Coaching by Phone

Dr. Dariah Morgan has a proven track record of producing results in one short session by phone.  Call Dr. Dariah at 972-771-1656 for an appointment or contact her by email at


Dr. Dariah and her husband, Dr. Bruce Paton, do basic and advanced Miracle Tapping workshops around the country, frequently in Unity and other new thought churches.  These workshops are experiential and have the objectives of sending participants back into the world feeling better than before while providing each person with a tool or two enabling them to maintain a higher sense of well-being.  Please call for information. 972-771-1656

Support Groups

Dariah and Bruce run monthly support groups in the Dallas area for people who want to learn more, practice and perfect what they have learned in the workshops.  They also consult with groups around the country who wish to set up a support group after having attended a workshop.


The “Miracles of Thought Field Therapy” DVD is for sale on this website and on