The Miracles of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) DVD is divided into three parts.  The first part consists of TV appearances by Dr. Roger Callahan, TFT's creator, where he cures phobias, addictions, and traumas in front of live audiences.  The second part consists of frequently-asked questions about TFT by two advanced practioners, Drs. Dariah Morgan and Bruce Paton.  The third part communicates the miraculous work done in Rwanda with traumatized genocide survivors and their return to full-functioning people who have reclaimed their lives and futures!  Purchase of this DVD can be a big step down the path toward creating miracles in your life!
$14.95 plus $4.95 Shipping and Handling - (please Contact Us for Ordering)

Want to slow down the aging Process, and increase Energy?

Well do I have the plan for you! I’m Dr. Dariah Morgan, and I have been performing Tibetan Yoga for twenty years. For me it has completely changed my life. Before I started yoga I walked 5 miles a day without stretching, not knowing how this was abusing my body. I had spurts of energy but also had pain my in joints and legs.  A friend showed me a series of exercises called The Five Tibetan Rites, which can be done in only seven minutes a day. After doing the Rites for a short period I could feel massive improvements in my energy. After a few years I decided to incorporate the Rites into my own routine whcih I call Dr. Dariah’s Tibetan Yoga. My routine not only gives you the benefits of the rites, but it also teaches to have a healthy diet. With these two aspects combined you will notice remarkable improvements in your energy, and you will lose weight. Just imagine how good you will feel when you get your new body.

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